Rising Up

Rising Up for Cancer Research

Pancreatic Cancer is recognized as one of the most difficult of all types of cancer. Unfortunately, its research is also one of the most underfunded. Early screening tools still do not exist; therefore, the disease typically spreads by the time it is finally diagnosed, making it extremely difficult to treat and cure. Duke Rentals wants to try to make a difference for pancreatic cancer.

Linda Tolton began treatment in the August, 2008. In learning about this exceptionally difficult disease, everyone at Duke Rentals, along with Linda, realized that more needs to be done to help others from having to endure this same challenge. With that spirit of determination, her husband Ken, owner of Duke Rentals, is committed to providing hope for those suffering from this disease. Duke Rentals is painting booms and scissor lifts purple - the color of pancreatic cancer awareness - to help spread the importance of Rising Up for Cancer Research.

Duke Rentals will donate a portion of each purple lift rental fee toward the Linda Tolton Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund at the University of Nebraska Foundation. Through this program, continual support will be given toward pancreatic cancer research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, which ultimately will help others affected by this disease.

We are fortunate to have nationally recognized leaders in pancreatic cancer treatment and research so close to home at UNMC. UNMC remains committed to pursuing the causes of pancreatic cancer in hopes to diagnose the disease at an earlier stage, which will lead to better survival rates and more positive prognoses.

Our goal is to offer hope to other families who are impacted by pancreatic cancer by supporting UNMC in its efforts. One day we hope that research will lead to better and earlier ways to diagnose pancreatic cancer, as well as provide more effective ways to treat and help prevent this disease.

If you would like to help support the Linda Tolton Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund, please click on the link below. We thank you for joining us in this fight against pancreatic cancer.

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